Remember, the more info you provide, the easier it is for us to deliver the exact end product to match your needs.
First Name (required)
Last Name (required)
Email (required)
Phone Number (required)
How did you hear about us? (required)
—Please choose an option—Google AdvertGoogle OrganicBingYahooFacebookTwitterLinkedInDirectoryEventOther
What type of video do you want? Please select the video type that best describes your video. If you're unsure, head over to our Pricing & Packages page for a description of the different options. (required)
—Please choose an option—InterviewClient TestimonialGreen ScreenCrowd FundingTutorialProduct DemoEvent HighlightAnimated ExplainerCompany ProfileBrand FilmCommercialMini-docOther
What is you project called? The project title will be used as a reference going forward. (required)
What is the video about? Please describe your project in as much detail as possible. (required)
Is there anything specific you would like included? Please describe, if any, elements that must be treated as a priority.
Where will the production be filmed? If multiple locations are required, please list. (required)
When will the production be filmed? Please include dates and times if you have them. If multiple dates are required, please list. (required)
When can the crew arrive on-site to setup? Please note crew require at least an hour to setup before filming commences.
Is there on-site parking? If yes, please describe and include the info required to book.
Who should we contact when we arrive for the filming days? Please provide a name and phone number for the on-site contact.
Do you have a specific deadline for the final deliverable?
How many videos do you require? (required)
How long would you like the video(s) to be? (required)
Do you require intro/outro titles or graphics? (required)
Do you require animation or motion graphics? (required)
Do you have a budget?
Are there any other videos that you have seen that you would like us to reference? Of all the questions here, this is one of the most important as it is often easier to demonstrate what you’re looking for with greater accuracy using imagery rather than words. Be sure to explain exactly what you like about each video. Please include links to videos.
*I am happy for Shorefront Film to retain my contact details in accordance with theData Protection & Privacy Policy
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